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Mother Lode

A play by Virginia Wall Gruenert

Directed by Ingrid Sonnichsen

Performed by Linda Haston 

While it’s true that mothers and daughters often have contentious relationships that will keep therapists in business for decades to come, there is no denying the deep bond that exists between them. Mother Lode deals with the end-of-life decisions that must be made by dutiful daughters, as well as the discord, conciliation, warfare, and ultimate acceptance (whether they like it or not) between strong, independent women bound by love and family.

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"Over the course of one hour and ten minutes Mother Lode blurs the line between life and art." - Megan Grabowski for Pittsburgh in the Round

“...Mother Lode mines the complexities and joys of the mother-daughter relationship, with many a laugh, a few tears, and certainly a sigh of remembrance."

- Michelle Pilecki for City Paper 

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"a deeply emotional story of two women discovering each other and themselves along the way. Haston sings, dances and wails with intensity. It’s a powerful night of theater."
- Mike ‘Buzz’ Buzzelli for ‘Burgh Vivant 

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