I know the phrase is "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly," but nothing was ugly about June 26th at Carnegie Stage. Except for, maybe, the ugly cry that always seems to happen to me when I watch "Not My Revolution."

On Sunday, for the matinee, we were buzzing in the theater. We were incredibly excited for the show and the amazing talkback afterwards. Wiam Younes was coming from Ansar of Pittsburgh to talk about Refugee Resettlement. Dr. Alissa Kotts from the University of Pittsburgh would be joining our panel with her expert knowledge in history, revolution, and women's studies, and Olivia LeSeur was on our panel to discuss the nature of wigs and hair both historically and in the show, when it comes to its expression of identity. We knew we had a special day and our audience did, as well. "Not My Revolution" had its first sold out show, that's the good! You may be asking yourself, dear reader, what is the bad?
When our box office opened we had 5 tickets left, only 5. Those five quickly were bought. We want to make sure everyone sees this show and "The Bad" would be if we have to turn anyone away. We ask our patrons to grab their tickets in advance for this amazing show, as we cannot guarantee there will be tickets available at the box office by the time the show starts. "Not My Revolution" runs only three more days, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 8:00pm. Get your tickets now!
